
Our search engine is easy to use and very user-friendly. Our search is geared toward both users and visitors (fans). You have many options to search our site. You can search using a keyword, if you know the name of the user, by category, and more. Below you will find more information on how to use our search page.

Use the keyword bar to search specific keywords. You can search in major fields or in the site name. If you are searching in major fields, you will be searching for a keyword in the site name, site URL, or site description.

You can also look up a site using the user name. This will help if you’re looking for the site of a specific user. You can look up a user name using an exact match, but if you don’t know the exact user name, you can search for similar names to find the one you’re looking for.

In the advanced search bar, you can look up sites based on how many hits they get. These hits include total amount of hits and unique hits. Unique hits mean that the visitor is only counted once, no matter how many times they visit the site during the reporting period. You can also track the hits and unique hits by whether they were referred by Elvis Top List or not. If they were referred this would be listed under hits “out”. If they were not referred it would be under “in.” To search the hits based on “in” or “out,” you can search based on the amount of hits the site receives. For instance, if you are looking for a site that have had about 150 hits. You could search sites with hits greater than 100 or lower than 200.

You can also search the site using categories. We have a few categories you can search through — no parent, pure Elvis, shops & other, and impersonators. Some of these website categories are straightforward, like if you're looking for an Elvis shopping site, you'll search shops & other. But no parent may be confusing. This category will search for all the sites listed that do not have a parent site, or the primary site of a collection of sites, or child sites. There is a checkbox at the bottom to search child sites. If you check the box for child sites, it will search all sites within the category that share a common parent site.

Another way of searching, is by searching by the site registration date. You can check from oldest to the newest registration date. The dates range from seven days to one year. You can sort results by date, author, or site name. The results can be listed in ascending or descending order. You can also specify how many results you want per page. The range is from 10 to 50 sites per page.

Our site aims to be accommodating to everyone. We want this website to be a database of every Elvis site in the world. To do this, we need a search tool to easily access and find the Elvis websites you’re looking for. Whether it’s a shopping website, a music website, or a fan forum page, you can easily search for these websites with our search tool, and find what you are looking for. If you are unable to find what you are looking for or are having difficulties using the search tool, please don't hesitate to contact us. One of our customer service agents will be able to assist you as fast as they can. Also, please contact us if you have an idea to make the tool faster or have another search category or option that we should add to the list. We want this website to be as user-friendly as possible, so all feedback is appreciated.